As this surface computer is build of the common stuffs which we see daily.Just have a look at its working.
Its surface is a multi-touch screen . The inside of it contains 5 infrared cameras which always keeps the track of whatever movement takes place on the surface and act according to that. Like a finger is mouse pointer for it but a credit card is credit card :) Remaining things are the same as of the desktop computer but it need high capacity RAM. And has Windows Vista in it.
Many big mobile stores are using this computer to compare different mobile models . Just by placing any two mobile on the screnn the computer automatically displayas all the specification.
Its OS has given a good support to set remainders according to the locations. Maps would look great on this machine.
Just drag and drop it into the player with your finger. It has a good interaction with the multimedia devices like the digital camera and cell phones etc. The normal way of sending files has been made differnt here.All the things are like drag and drop.
So on a final note the Surface computer is good one step ahed by Microsoft . And I liked this computer as it is easy to handle and attractive . But the only problem is that it is wort $5000 to $10000. I can't buy this at this time . Lets hope for the best .
If you need more information then email me and I will provide you with more containt.
Tc :)
nice article... :)